Urban Creativity has been a unipersonal initiative (supported by many friends and colleagues), with more or less part-time dedication since 2014. In 2025, my commitment to this initiative became full-time. The formal structure remain unipersonal, and a new name has been introduced: "Wise Thorough" (WT). Under WT, alongside Urban Creativity, several publications, journals and books, activities, conferences and seminars are organised.

The mission of WT is to foster and disseminate topics that lie at the periphery of core research areas, approached from diverse research perspectives. We aim to connect scientific communities across multiple fields, including Arts & Humanities, Science & Technology, and Social Sciences. Our aim is to create a platform for the dissemination and recognition of liminal cultural and creative visual practices by grounding them in the analysis of rigorously examined facts through the application of scientific methods.

Hope you enjoy the gathered content, feel free to join us.
All the best, Pedro Soares Neves.


  • BBDS - Black Book: Drawing and Sketching

    Online Journal, BBDS is devoted to applied research, we welcome exclusively image based submissions with secondary supportive texts. The images can be of work planning, doodling, photos, collages, diagrams, visual ideas or other. 

  • AIS - Architecture Image Studies

    Online Journal, AIS is focused on the image production realms that are connected with Architecture and Design, among others architectural and design photography, 2D and 3D drawing technologies (CAD) project and inspirational illustration.

  • VAS - Visionary Architecture Studies

    VAS includes architecture image studies and more. We intend to attract interactions between scholars and practitioners, both in visual and written formats. VA provides a platform for multidisciplinary research that transcends the traditional boundaries of architecture. It encourages contributions not only from architects and architectural historians but also from visual studies and writing scholars, photographers, artists, and others who examine the visionary aspects of architectural representation. By doing so, the journal fosters a broader discourse that enriches the field and enhances our understanding of the present and possible futures of our built environment.

  • WSS - Writing Systems Studies

    The WSS regular open-access scientific publication aims to create a space dedicated to sharing multidisciplinary research on writing systems, written symbols, and scripts, with a particular focus on the role of graffiti. We believe that the scholarly recognition of graffiti (demonstrated in several of our publications) fosters a favorable environment for a deeper understanding of writing. This provides an opportunity to decipher content that may initially appear marginal but can become central to a better understanding of manuscript cultures.

  • MVL - Medical Visual Language

    MVL - Medical Visual Language is an interdisciplinary academic journal dedicated to the intersection of medicine, visual communication and art. This publication serves as a platform for professionals, researchers, educators, and creatives who seek to advance the understanding and application of visual language in medical contexts. MVL features original research articles, critical reviews, technical methodologies, and visual essays. It also highlights historical perspectives, interdisciplinary collaborations, and profiles of leading professionals in the field. The journal fosters dialogue on the ethical, aesthetic, and technological challenges shaping the future of medical visual language.

  • Urban Creativity

    Urbancreativity.org represents a research initiative under the Urban Creativity (UC) conceptual umbrella, encompassing graffiti and street art, public art, urban user experience, and, to some extent, architecture. We focus on the shared interests of diverse research communities and center our efforts on the relationship between users and creators across various fields of creativity. We believe that knowledge gathering, dissemination, and urban acupuncture are the most effective ways to achieve our mission. To this end, we promote scientific meetings, activities, and open-access publications.

  • GSA - Graffiti and Street Art

    GSA journal is born from the need of a publication focused exclusively for Graffiti and Street Art academic studies. It's purpose is to contribute to the credibility and recognition of the field from the academic perspective.

  • UXUC - User Experience and Urban Creativity

    UXUC place User Experience (UX) disciplines in relation with built environment disciplines, among others Geography, Urban Planning, Public Space, and Urban Design.

  • CAP - Public Art Journal

    CAP is devoted to the design and participated construction of the public space. We look at Public Art as intersection area of practical and theoretical disciplines, among others such as Contemporany Art, Sculture, Design and Heritage.

  • SAUC - Street Art and Urban Creativity (repository)

    SAUC repository gather the contents of 2015 to 2024 (10 volumes, 281 articles) of academic approach to Graffiti, Urban and Street Art. Dealing among others with: Humanities, Social Sciences, Urban Studies, Visual Arts, and Folk Art.

  • goINDIGO

    The proceeding of 2 simposiums, on 2022 and 2023 (vol. 1 and 2 respectively), under two-year INDIGO project aims to build the basis to systematically document, monitor, and analyse circa 13 km of graffiti along Vienna’s Danube Canal in the next decade.

  • RI – Revista Indague

    RI welcomes the publication of original articles unpublished or commissioned to experts in Spanish language, related to graffiti or visual artistic expressions in the public space, popular or professional, throughour history, from any disciplinary approach. Likewise, admit bibliographic reviews on recentry published works or classic or significant titles in the academic field (essays, monographs, doctoral theses...) in said fields.